Annual Meetings 2004-2008
2004 APM
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held at St Johns Ambulance HQ 5 April 2004 Present: Cllrs P Verden, Mrs Abbott, G Blackwell, M Cahill, Mrs Hadman, Mrs Mallard, R Page, P Wright. Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs Bond, R Cotter and Ms Payne. No members of the public attended.
Minutes of the meeting held Monday 14 April 2003
These were adopted as a correct record
Parish Council Report
The May 2003 elections saw Cllrs Mrs Bond and P Wright join the council. Cllr Lee was forced to retire in December 2003 and John Wight retired as Clerk to the Council. Both were thanked for their many years service to Earls Barton. Cllr Payne was co-opted on to replace Cllr Lee and Rosie Smart was appointed Clerk. This year the Parish Council has kept the council’s precept figure below that of last year, with no loss of services. The Parish Council is conscious of costs within the parish and intends to give the village value for money. It is hoped that the new doctor’s surgery will be complete by the end of the year, and work is ongoing to secure playing fields for the village. The Chair thanked the members of the council for their continued support.
Borough Report
Work has started on building 24 social houses in the centre of the village. WBC received an award after being recognised as the 2 nd best council in the country. Cllr Blackwell thanked Cllrs Cotter and Cahill for their services to the borough over recent years, and also Cllr Lee and John Wight for their support. Thanks were also expressed to the officers of WBC and the Chair for their continued support and advice in the sports field acquisition. The campaign for public toilets in Earls Barton will also continue.
County Council Report
Cllr Blackwell reported that both of the schools in Earls Barton are performing well. The “Safer Routes to School” scheme has resulted in an additional pedestrian crossing being agreed for Doddington Road and path and road re-alignment. The schools have made a good effort to promote the “Walking Bus to School” and safe parking. The village is well served by secondary schools in Wellingborough and Wollaston. The library has recently been refurbished and reopened. Social services continue to do a very important job in caring for residents in their homes. 4 new units are currently being built to free up hospital beds for those who are not well enough to go home. Speeding is still an issue. The county council’s portion of the council tax bill was the lowest for the 2 nd year running. The minerals plan states that no more permission will be given for mineral works around the village until 2016.
Questions and Comments
Cllr Cahill asked whether permission already granted for mineral works would go ahead. Cllr Blackwell confirmed that it would.