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Annual Meetings 2004-2008

2007 APM

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held at St Johns Ambulance HQ 16 April 2007 Present; Cllrs P Verden (Chair), Mrs Abbott, G Blackwell, Mrs Bond, M Cahill, Mrs Hadman, M Higham, Mrs Mallard, R Page, Ms Payne, M Perkins, C Selling, P Wright. 2 members of the public were in attendance.

Minutes of the Meeting held Monday 10 April 2006

These were adopted as a correct record

Parish Council Report

Cllr Verden reported on the achievements of the Parish Council of the last 4 years in office.  These include improvements to the youth club building car park, supporting the new Doctors Surgery, helping and supporting in the opening of social housing on Blackwell Close, the railings around the play area on the Recreation Field, and improvement and refurbishment works at the Pioneer Sports Field and the War Memorial Gardens.  Over the coming year, the Parish Council will it’s hard work to secure permanent sporting facilities for Earls Barton, as well as continuing to improve services to the village to keep it looking it’s best.  Cllr Verden reported that a minimal 3% raise on Council Tax was required this financial year, which means that a less than 5% raise has been required over the life of this council.  Cllr Verden finished by expressing his thanks to all of his fellow Councillors for all their hard work over the last 4 years.

Borough Council Report

Cllr Blackwell reported that Wellingborough’s new swimming pool is scheduled to open in June 2007.  The transfer of the Borough Council’s housing stock to “Wellingborough Homes” has also been completed following consultation. Cllr Blackwell also commended the Borough Council’s officers for their support with the Sports Development Project, especially the senior officers Joe Hubbard, Bob Entwhistle and Robert Vaughan, all of whom have been greatly involved and have contributed towards the progress made.  Finally, Cllr Blackwell expressed his regret at Cllr Payne’s resignation from Borough Council duties in January, due to personal reasons.

County Council Report

Cllr Blackwell advised that Northamptonshire County Council are to extend an Empowering Councillor Pilot Scheme in 2007/08, where County Councillors will receive £10,000 to spend in their own ward.  As yet, there is no confirmation as to which Councillors will be invited to join the Pilot Scheme.  The Bus Service Concessionary Scheme has also been extended.  There is now a bus through Earls Barton every 15 minutes and access for the disabled at bus stops has been improved.  A National Free Public Transport Scheme for over 60’s is also planned.  The Earls Barton West Sand & Gravel Extraction is predicted to be before Council in June 2007.  The Square Enhancement Scheme also needs to be pushed forward this year, including a 20mph speed limit in the village centre with associated speed enforcement.  Education, Social Services and the Fire Service in Earls Barton also continue with their good work.  Cllr Blackwell ended by thanks the Chair, Parish Councillors and Clerk for their support.

Questions & Comments

Cllr Verden made assurances that the Parish Council are keen to see the centre of the village developed, and that although deferments due to holidays have occurred, a representative from NCC is to attend the May 2007 Parish Council meeting.

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