Details of all the committees
Allotment Committee
To liaise with allotment holders and deal with issues relating to the Parish Council Allotments.
Allotment Committee Members:
Cllr S. Dodds
Cllr V Gould
Cllr P Hadman
Cllr C Wood
Events Committee
To organise events on behalf of the village (carnival, firework display etc)
Events Commitee Members:
Cllr T Brennan
Cllr G Broadhead
Cllr N Chapman
Cllr S Dodds
Cllr V Gould
Cllr L Morrison
Cllr D Smith
Cllr C Wood
Finance Committee
Check sample of receipts & payments during year, initiate projects, prepare grant applications/planning etc and see through to completion, prepare budget/precept for Council approval.
Finance Committee Members:
Cllr J Bond (Chair)
Cllr G Broadhead
Cllr N Chapman
Cllr L Morrison
Cllr C Wells
Grounds and Maintenance
Grass cutting, trees, cemetery, church yard, recreation field, sports field, pocket parks, war memorial.
Monitor the contractors’ performance to specification during season and contact contractors to seek remedial work where required.
Supervise duties of Lengthman if employed, revise specification as required.
Liase with pocket park volunteers on development plans/maintenance.
Grounds and Maintenance Committee Members:
Cllr J Bond
Cllr G Broadhead (Chair)
Cllr P Hadman
Cllr C Lloyd-Staples
Cllr C Wells
Personnel Committee
To deal with matters relating to personnel and human resources. Including staff appraisals, disciplinary and grievance procedures.
Personnel Committee Members:
Cllr J Bond
Cllr G Broadhead
Cllr N Chapman
Cllr V Gould
Cllr L Morrison
Cllr C Wells
Sand and Gravel
Sand & Gravel applications
Nene Valley developments.
Sand and Gravel Committee Members:
Cllr G Broadhead
Cllr P Hadman
Cllr P Morrall
Cllr C Wells
Social, Housing and Planning
Village Design Statement – research/prepare
Rural Transport
Obtain information for grant applications
Community Safety
Liase with police, carry out crime audit and prepare plan under Section 17 Crime & Disorder Act 1998.
Housing matters
Planning site viewing
Social, Housing and Planning Committee Members:
Cllr G Broadhead
Cllr N Chapman
Cllr V Gould
Cllr P Morrall
Cllr C Wells
Sports Development
To act as liaison between Earls Barton Parish Council and the Sports Development Project Management Team. To discuss and approve quotes for work relating to the development, within the financial limits set by Earls Barton Parish Council.
Committee Members:
Cllr J Bond
Cllr T Brennan
Cllr P Morrall (Chair)
Cllr C Wells
Strategic Planning Committee
To look at the work of Earls Barton Parish Council over the next 5-10 years, including recommending projects for consideration, changes to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Parish Council and looking at how these can be achieved through grant funding, budget allocation and other issues.
Committee Members:
Cllr J Bond
Cllr T Brennan
Cllr G Broadhead
Cllr N Chapman
Cllr S Dodds
Cllr P Morrall
Cllr D Smith
Cllr C Wells
Environmental Strategy Sub-Committee
This sub-committee of the Strategic Planning Committee will engage with members of the public to create an Environmental Strategy for the village of Earls Barton. This will include all aspects relating to the improvement of the environment and initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint of the Parish Council and local community to combat climate change.
Committee Members:
Cllr N Chapman (Chair)
Cllr V Gould
Cllr C Lloyd-Staples
Cllr L Morrison
Cllr D Smith
Cllr C Wells
Youth Affairs Committee
To deal with all aspects relating to youth in Earls Barton, including Youth Club/Youth Workers, engaging with young people and looking into youth related issues which may arise.
Youth Affairs Committee members:
Cllr J Bond (Chair)
Cllr G Broadhead
Cllr V Gould
Cllr P Hadman
Cllr P Morrall